Seidat for marketing

Seidat for Marketing People

Design impressive presentations & collaborate while keeping control. With Seidat brand settings and smart slides, you can make sure that the entire team uses up-to-date materials.




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Design & Collaborate

Design & Collaborate

Use Seidat’s simple design tool for your company’s branded slides with multimedia content. Everything is automatically accessible for your colleagues while you keep control.

Seidat brand settings

Keep Control

You never have to worry about the sales team using old materials with the wrong fonts and logos ever again. You’ll have full control over the brand settings and shared smart slides that can be updated for every presentation from one place.

Seidat integrations

Analyse & Automate

Integrate your apps with Seidat and collect data from your presentation usage and visitors. Use Seidat as part of your marketing automation with different marketing tools.

Free Presentation Guide

Have you already updated your presentations to today’s standards? We collected our best presentation design practices in a guide. Get the guide delivered to your email!

    Mobile sized device

    International Challenges | Tschudi Logistics

    “We are an international company with offices in ten countries. I manage all marketing activities from our office in Denmark, which means that I need an online platform for sharing our company presentations in real-time. Seidat makes it possible for me to edit our presentations without sending the newest version to all employees time and time again. Easy, quick and effective.

    Tanja Smith, Marketing Manager, Tschudi Logistics A/S

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    Features you might be interested in

    • Mobile sized device

      Slide bank

      Every slide you and your team members create is saved to the slide bank in Seidat. Picking slides from there is an easy way to create new slide decks by utilising previously made material.

    • Mobile sized device
      Seidat Media Bank feature

      Multimedia content

      In addition to using images and texts in your slides, you can embed videos, 3D content, panoramas, GIF animations, websites, web forms, Google Sheet graphs and anything you can think of onto your presentations.

    • Mobile sized device

      Brand Management

      Seidat’s team-specific brand management enables uniform brand identity. All the members of your Seidat workspace will use only brand fonts and only in the colors allowed by the brand color palette. Seidat allows you to use all fonts without having to install them. It has been made possible that your slides will always be uniform for all of your team members regardless of the equipments they are using.

    • Seidat smart slides

      Smart Slides

      Usually, about 80% of slides companies use are identical in all presentations. With the Smart Slide feature, you can link all these identical slides together to be updated in one place. This saves you a ton of time and you can be sure everything is up to date and under control at all times for everyone.

    • Advanced-user-right

      Advanced User Rights

      Seidat makes it easy to manage your workspace members and access levels. Access levels are managed at the workspace level and they can be specified on a presentation level. Access levels are roughly divided into presenting, sharing, and editing rights. In addition, there are separate rights for brand management and user management.

      With rights, you keep your material consistent, up-to-date, and accessible to everyone.

    • Seidat-analytics-integrations

      Analytics Integrations

      Collect data of the people viewing and visiting your presentations by integrating your analytics apps with Seidat. Analyse your presentation usage internally as well as externally and use the data to develop your ways of working.

      • Google Analytics
      • Google Tag Manager
      • Google Data Studio
      • Leadfeeder
      • Hubspot

    See all features