Woman showing slides on a computer

Material management and development

Design impressive presentations & collaborate while keeping control. With Seidat brand settings and smart slides, you can make sure that the entire team uses up-to-date materials.

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Keep control!

Using a presentation platform that streamlines material management, development, and team collaboration enhances efficiency, ensures consistency in branding, and boosts productivity. It facilitates seamless content creation, collaborative editing, and secure access, leading to more impactful and visually appealing presentations and better sales results.

Design impressive presentations & collaborate

Design & Collaborate

Typical challenges with material management and development

Many modern business still struggles with material management and development, here are some most common problems.

  • How to make it easier to maintain consistent and up-to-date materials?
  • How to make sure only authorized people have control over brand visuals and user rights?
  • How to facilitate teamwork and collaboration?
  • How to improve tracking of projects and tasks for more transparency?

Seidat solutions for these challenges

  • Smart Slides: Slides that are linked together and stored in a Smart Slide Bank
  • With Seidat user rights + brand settings, you select who has access to edit brand settings
  • Seidat offers a cloud-based centralized platform that enables collaborative working
  • Shared team dashboard for presentations

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How Seidat benefit you?

  • Any changes made to a Smart Slide reflect across all presentations, ensuring consistency, and making material management more efficient and easy
  • With user rights, you can maintain control over who can edit presentations. You can also name Brand Managers, who can determine the brand settings for the whole workspace
  • Being cloud-based, Seidat allows teams to work together from anywhere, ensuring flexibility
  • All your team’s presentations and materials are in one shared location where it’s easy to keep track of progress

Seidat features to manage your company’s presentations

  • Seidat Cloud based app

    Cloud-based app

    Seidat is a cloud-based app that can be accessed from any modern internet browser. So, your Seidat presentations are always available at any time – on any device. This is ideal for companies with multiple branches and/or remote work cultures.

  • Shared Dashboard

    In Seidat, all the company’s presentations are managed in one place – Seidat cloud. Each user can customise their own  dashboard so that they can find the latest presentations of the chosen categories – for example, their own sales presentations. The tags used in Seidat make it easy to find the right presentations among the thousands of similar materials. Collaboration is easier and it increases transparency, when everyone has access to all the materials.

  • Seidat smart slides

    Smart Slides

    Usually, about 80% of slides companies use are identical in all presentations. With the Smart Slide feature, you can link all these identical slides together to be updated in one place. This saves you a ton of time and you can be sure everything is up to date and under control at all times for everyone.

  • Simultaneous editing 2

    Simultaneous Editing

    Edit the same presentation at the same time with your colleagues. While one person is structuring the slides, another can write the content and a third can start with the visualisations. Collaboration at its best!

  • Team management

    Workspace Management

    In Seidat app, you can perform key workspace management tasks completely independently. You will be able to manage the billing information, billing methods (card payment or invoice), billing periods, workspace size and available features. The application stores all payment transactions for future reference and we will also send the receipts to your email.

  • Advanced-user-right

    Advanced User Rights

    Seidat makes it easy to manage your workspace members and access levels. Access levels are managed at the workspace level and they can be specified on a presentation level. Access levels are roughly divided into presenting, sharing, and editing rights. In addition, there are separate rights for brand management and user management.

    With rights, you keep your material consistent, up-to-date, and accessible to everyone.

  • Mobile sized device

    Brand Management

    Seidat’s team-specific brand management enables uniform brand identity. All the members of your Seidat workspace will use only brand fonts and only in the colors allowed by the brand color palette. Seidat allows you to use all fonts without having to install them. It has been made possible that your slides will always be uniform for all of your team members regardless of the equipments they are using.

We have happy customers!

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Other Seidat use cases for marketing teams

Seidat in exhibitions and events

Seidat is a great tool to use in exhibitions and events. Share your presentation on info screens and use autoplay or run the presentation manually.

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Seidat use cases for keynote speakers

Elevate the overall professionalism as a keynote speaker and effectively engage your audience by leveraging the powerful features and seamless presentation capabilities offered by Seidat

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Guides and Lead magnets

Seidat is not just a comprehensive sales presentation platform focused on visuals; it can also double as a dynamic lead generation tool.

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Embed Seidat to website

Any Seidat presentation can be effortlessly embedded on a website. You just need a shared link and the embed code.

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Automated content creation

With Seidat, salespeople can create and deliver more personalized, interactive, and engaging content and get real-time data to help improve materials.

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Always Up-to-Date | Oomi Energia

“With Seidat, we know that everyone always has the latest information about our products and services, and we don’t have to resubmit materials. This is important to us as it facilitates operational work.”

Isko Lappalainen, Head of Brand, Oomi Energia

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