- The type of materials needed to support sales meetings
- Characteristics of a winning sales deck
- The role of sales presentations in the buying decision process
- Techniques for increasing interaction during a sales pitch
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Stop settling for inadequate customer presentations that don’t align with the sales situation. Join our webinar and learn how to effectively utilize the right materials to simplify and enhance the sales process. Agenda:- The type of materials needed to support sales meetings
- Characteristics of a winning sales deck
- The role of sales presentations in the buying decision process
- Techniques for increasing interaction during a sales pitch
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16.02.202316:00 - 17:00 (UTC+2) Check your timezone
We have noticed that too many salespeople do not have actual sales decks. They usually modify the company or product decks to make them suitable for sales meetings. Are you doing it the same way? Have you thought how much better sales results you would get if salespeople had the sales deck made specifically for sales meetings?
About the webinar
We constantly encounter customer presentations that do not support the sales situation or are just a “necessary evil” for the seller.
Stop settling for inadequate customer presentations that don’t align with the sales situation. Join our webinar and learn how to effectively utilize the right materials to simplify and enhance the sales process.
- The type of materials needed to support sales meetings
- Characteristics of a winning sales deck
- The role of sales presentations in the buying decision process
- Techniques for increasing interaction during a sales pitch
The webinar is hosted by Seidat CEO Paulus Perkkiö and international Sales manager Tim Babkin.
During the live webinar, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with the speakers and other attendees through a live chat.
The webinar will also be available for viewing On-Demand. Reserve your spot or access the recording by signing up now!
Your hosts for the webinar
Paulus PerkkiöCPO, Founder
Tim BabkinInternational Sales Manager
Keywords: Creating Presenting